OSv Beta Program: Virtual Appliances


OSvFlashcache is an extension of OSvMemcached, enhanced to support flash storage efficiently. OSvFlashcache fully supports the Memcached text interface, so no changes in the client application are required.

Flashcache details and Beta program


Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. The main Memcached main use is as a front end to a persistence DB (SQL or NoSQL).

The OSv-optimized version of Memcached can outperform Memcached on a conventional OS by a factor of 3.9.

Virtual appliance details


Apache Cassandra is an open source, massively scalable NoSQL database. Cassandra delivers continuous availability, linear scalability, and operational simplicity.

The OSv-Cassandra Virtual Appliance provides higher throughput, and lower latency, than Cassandra on a conventional OS. With higher throughput per VM, you can choose to use a smaller number of instances per cluster, or use smaller instance types to support the same amount of traffic. It is a simpler solution than Cassandra on top of a complete Linux stack. There is no need to manually tune JVM heap size. Every OSv VM is available via REST API and GUI, making it easier to monitor and configure the system.

Virtual appliance details


Redis is an open source advanced key-value cache and store. It is often referred to as a data structure server, since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs.

Redis on OSv outperforms Redis on a conventional OS by more than 80% on common operations. As site load changes, rapid OSv deploy and startup time makes it easy to scale your Redis cache. Like the other virtual appliances, Redis on OSv includes a complete REST management interface.

Virtual appliance details

Early access to Virtual Appliances

All virtual appliances are available through the OSv beta program. To apply, please visit the Beta Registration page.

The private beta program includes full personalized support and an opportunity to offer direct feedback.

If you are interested in a pre beta appliances, all OSv appliances are also available as open source from our GitHub project page

Among other, there are appliances for Tomcat, MySQL, Node, Ruby, Riemann, and many more